Computer Programmer

GitHub starts publishing a public roadmap

GitHub starts publishing a public roadmap

Image Credits: Michael Short/Bloomberg / Getty ImagesGitHub today announced that it will start publishing a public roadmap to help its users understand when it will ship new features across its various versions of the GitHub code repository and products...

2023 DevOps Roadmap

2023 DevOps Roadmap DevOps Career Roadmap Here’s what DevOps is all about: people use the latest tools to create new processes so they can continuously deploy applications into production. If you want to be a DevOps engineer, here’s the 2023 DevOps...

How to Become a Full Stack Python Developer in just 1 Month?

Roadmap to Become a Blockchain Developer in 2024

The complete professional path to becoming a Blockchain developer The Economist’s 2015 designation of the Blockchain as “The Trust Machine” is not surprising.  Prominent companies including Walmart, L’Oréal, Nike, Tesla, PepsiCo, and several more have already made investments in...

The Roadmap to becoming a DevOps Engineer in 2020

The Roadmap to becoming a DevOps Engineer in 2020

What work Does a DevOps Engineer Do? DevOps is short for the development and operations to improve the collaboration process. A DevOps Engineer that will work with the IT developers to facilitate better coordination among the construction, services, and...

How About Choosing The First Programming Language

How About Choosing The First Programming Language

The evolution of software development has reached greater heights in recent times. The current IT industries demand the most efficient and updated software development skillset in the market, and there is no better way to upgrade your skills. These...

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